留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【カナダ】ロックリッジ・セカンダリーより - K.Y -

バンクーバーの学校に初めて行った時、英語と数学、作文のテストを受けました。テストが終わると、僕は二限目から出席することになりました。でも、授業は全部英語なので、うまくついていけませんでした。ロックリッジはDay1 とDay2 に分かれて日本とは全く違います。たくさんの友達に出会えることができてうれしかったです。これからの学校生活が楽しみです



・Report on study trip abroad

I was very nervous when I got on the plane. Luckily, I met a very kind person. She was an American doctor from Los Angeles. She helped me a lot on the plane. I was sleeping, watching movies, or listening to music.
I was very excited when I arrived in Canada. I was relieved when I went through Customs and Immigration. Then, I met Daniel and his family. They all looked very kind. They told me they can't speak Japanese. Actually, I was glad to hear that I wanted to use my English as much as possible. Next day I went to a big park by bike. There were some raccoons and squirrels. I was very glad that I could see them because we can't often see them in Tokyo.
On my first day at my school in Vancouver, I had tests in Math and English. When I finished them, I was allowed to join classes. All my lessons were in English and I didn't understand everything. In Rockridge, school days are divided into two types of days: Day1 and Day2. This is very different from the Japanese system. On Day 1, we have Marketing, Chemistry, and Communication classes. On Day 2, we have Physical Education, Textiles, Computer Science, and Cooking classes. I have made many friends, and I'm looking forward to a great school year in Canada.

K.Y (Rockridge Secondary, Canada)

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