留学レポート - 海外→日本留学

【オーストラリア】Noh 能 / NHK Studio Park NHKスタジオパーク - Ashleigh -

・Noh 能

I saw the Noh dance for the first time. I thought it was really good and expressive. But without the props or clothing I couldn't really understand it. I still thought it was very expressive and strong and interesting to watch.

Ashleigh (Ogilivie High School, Australia)






・NHK Studio Park NHKスタジオパーク

On Wednesday last week, I went to NHK Park. I had a lot of fun and I really enjoyed seeing all the props and sets they have used for TV and drama. I really liked how you can look in at the sets and even watch a drama or show being made. I really enjoyed it.

Ashleigh (Ogilivie High School, Australia)




  • 画像
    講師の学習支援センター 小澤先生
  • 画像
    留学生と国際教育部、学習支援センター 小澤先生