留学レポート - 海外→日本留学

【カナダ】ロックリッジ・セカンダリーより - Kole -

・The School Festival

On my student exchange I got to experience one of Mejiro Kenshin's school festivals. It was a very fun experience that I will never forget. I learned that there's a lot of work that goes into a school festival. There are days of preparation for just setting up our home room's attraction, and hours to clean everything up. But it was all worth it for two days filled with good times.
It all started with planning, and after a lot of ideas my class decided to make a maze. Even though I couldn't really understand I knew what a maze was and I was happy with the idea. It seemed fun but it would take a lot of time to set up, and it did. My class put a lot of work into our maze to make it the best we could. After a few days of work our Class 1-2 Maze was finally ready. It wasn't too hard, but definitely not easy, so I thought it was perfect for the festival.
On the days of the festival we all wore our pink class 1-2 shirts so we could easily recognize who is in what class. We also got to go around to the other classes and see what they did to their home rooms. Every class put as much work into their home room as we did into ours. There was a very big variety to what classes did to their home rooms. There were small restaurants, games, pictures and a lot more. It was so much fun and I got to meet and take pictures with so many different people.
I also got to experience one of the cheerleading and dance clubs' performances. Some of the things they could do were really impressive and it was also really fun to watch. You could tell they work very hard to be as good as they are, and have a good time doing it! I'm very glad I got to experience it.
Later in the day I had to go back to my home room and help run the maze. I started with letting people into the maze and making sure there wasn't too many people at a time. But it started to get a bit more difficult when more people started coming, on top of people wanting to take pictures with me. After the festival finished we had to clean up. We took down the maze, which took a while, and after we cleaned up the class it was like there wasn't even a festival at all.
Over all the school festival was a very unique experience that I will always remember. Since we don't have school festivals like this in Canada it felt very new. It was happy, fun and over all a good time. I'm not sure if I will every experience something like this again so I'm very glad I did!

Kole Macmillan (Rockridge Secondary, Canada)





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