留学レポート - 海外→日本留学

【オーストラリア】サマビルハウスより - Imogen -


・Trip to NHK Studio Park with the International Club

On the school trip Brooke and I went with the international club to NHK Studio Park. Whilst there, we got to see various Japanese TV shows and pretended to be news presentors. Although Brooke and I didn't know many of the shows there, as we aren't Japanese, it was still really fun and interesting to see what TV is like in Japan. After visiting NHK, the group went to Yoyogi Metropolitan Gymnasium and Cookie Time. Cookie Time is a famous store from New Zealand that sells cookies. However, there aren't any Cookie Times in Australia, so Brooke and I were happy to finally visit there in Tokyo.

・Visit to Mori Art Museum

Today there was no school, so Brooke and I went to Roppongi. I woke up at 7:30 and left the house at 8:25 to catch a bus to Hanno Station, because it takes two hours to get from Hanno (where I live) to Roppongi . At Roppongi I met up with Brooke and we went to the Mori Art Museum. We had fun looking at all of the interesting new Art Exhibits. After that, we went to a Ramen Shop, where I ate some cheap and yummy soy ramen and fried rice. Finally, Brooke and I went to the Snoopy Museum before returning home, where I watched movies on my laptop and ate rice crackers. I went to bed at around 11:00pm.

Imogen (Somerville House, Australia)







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