留学レポート - 海外→日本留学

【カナダ】ウェストバンクーバーセカンダリーより - Elina -



First Impressions

The air was different inside the house. A faint smell of wet wood greated my nostrils. I was asked to take off my shoes. A kind lady escorted me to a bench resting on pristine tatami mats. I watched as the others around me danced to the rhythm of the demonstration. Each bow, each sip, each breath executed to the second. I could hear each drop of boiled water as it dropped into the cups. Despite this silence, a clear conversation was taking place before my eyes, in a language I was not prepared to learn.
This was my first impression of the sadō club. I was impressed with the level of discipline in the demonstration of the ceremony. To me tea was something unimportant, insignificant to the way of life. This experience showed me otherwise.

Elina (West Vancouver Secondary School, Canada)