留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【カナダ】デルビュー・セカンダリーより - N.W -

私のホストファミリーは4人家族です。みんな優しく、よく声をかけてくれます。 週末は川やプールに連れて行ってくれました。他にも金曜日の夜はキャンプファイア、土曜日の夜は映画をみて過ごしています。



Four weeks have passed since I arrived in Canada. I have gotten accustomed to my life here.
There are four members in my host family. Everyone is kind to me and often talks to me. On weekends, they took me swimming. We went to the riverside and had a campfire. We also went to see a movie.
At school, I am taking ESL Classes, Planning and Food. You can also take Psychology if you like. I am doing my best to enjoy my stay here.

N.W (Delview Secondary(Delta District), Canada)

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