留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【オーストラリア】サマビルハウスより - O.J -


今 私が留学中のオーストラリアは、日本よりアパートやビルなどの建物が少なくて自然がいっぱいなところです。
ホストファミリーはホストシスターが4人、ホストブラザーが2人の8人家族なのですが、彼らはいつも賑やかで、みんな よく話しかけてくれます。



In Australia where I am studying abroad are few high buildings such as apartments and buildings.
There is 8members in my host family, 4host sister's 2hostbrothers and host parents.
They are always lively and they talk to me. I am an exchange student, so I have a host sister of same age, and she is very kind and she always tells me about her school and Australia well.
The student in Australia is very friendly. Now I have lots of friends, so it is fun to go to school. Everyone is very interesting and sometimes talk to me in Japanese.
Life in new environment is not easy, but I will do my best.

O.J (Somerville House, Australia)

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