留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】シャーリーボーイズハイスクールより - H.K -

ニュージーランドに来てから二週間が経ちました。時間の経過は早いものです。私はクライストチャーチ市内から車で40分の海沿いに住んでいます。ホストファミリーはとても親切で初日に何を食べたいか聞いてくれ、週末になるとどこかへ連れて行ってくれます。ホストファザーのHone はいつも学校へ送ってくれ、夜ご飯を作ってくれます。彼が作るご飯は美味しいです。Honeは僕が通っている学校のマオリ語の先生です。ホストマザーのKeyは優しく、気軽で話しやすく、洗濯などもしてくれます。ホストブラザーのMasonは僕の弟と同い年で可愛らしいです。ホストマザーの親戚達は近所に住んでいるので何度か会っており、話したりします。皆、親切でユーモアがあります。


It has been 2 weeks since I came to NZ. I'm feeling time goes by very fast. I live near the sea, about 40 minutes' drive from Christchurch city.
My host family is very kind to me. They asked me, "What do you want to eat?" on the first day, and they take me somewhere on the weekends. My host father, Hone, always sends me to school and cooks dinner. Actually Hone is the Māori teacher at my school.
My host mother, Key, is very kind to me and easy to talk to and does my laundry. My host brother, Mason, is the same age as my brother.
My host mother's relatives live nearby so I have met them several times and talked to them. In school life, I can use English better than at first, so I can follow the lessons a little better but the students speak very fast and I often can't understand what they are saying. However, many of them are kind enough to talk to me. I want to get used to English more than now, so I can enjoy making friends and my school life and homestay better.

H.K (Shirley Boys' High School, New Zealand)