留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】エイボンサイドガールズハイスクールより - R.Y -



When I first arrived at my host family's house and entered the house, I was surprised that I did not take off my shoes. My host family is very kind. Every night at dinner, we talk about the day's events, the news, and politics. Every Friday night we have pizza and play games. I always struggle because I cannot communicate with my Japanese-English, and it is difficult for me to understand them. My host mother speaks slowly so that I can understand her.
The culture in New Zealand is totally different from that of Japan, so I have a lot to learn every day. My host family teaches me many things. I enjoy learning about other cultures, but sometimes I feel lonely. And as a matter of course, they speak so fast that I couldn't understand them, but I got used to it and I can understand them little by little.
The content of the classes at school is easy to understand, but it is difficult to listen to it. Especially in fashion and math classes, there are many things I don't understand, so I ask my teachers and my New Zealand friends. At first, I was afraid to talk to them, but I tried my best and made new friends. They tell me about the school and are very kind.
Since I came to New Zealand, I am enjoying my life here so much that I think the time has passed so fast. I would like to enjoy and study as much as I can for about one more month.

R.Y (Avonside Girls' High School, New Zealand)