留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】エイボンサイドガールズハイスクールより - H.C -



It has been a month since my departure. I am enjoying my study abroad experience very much as I enjoy talking with my host family and local school children more and more. I mainly take classroom lectures such as math and science at school, but if I don't understand something, I ask local students or even the teacher to help me keep up with the class. At first, it was very difficult for me to talk to people and make friends, but I became able to talk to local students by talking to them without being nervous. Also, my host family is very kind, and I'm enjoying my stay here. I spend my weekends playing disc golf and watching movies. I am having so much fun that I wish I could stay here longer. I will do my best so that I will not have any regrets.

H.C (Avonside Girls' High School, New Zealand)