留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】SECターム留学レポート - H.S -

到着して数時間後ステイ先の家族と会い、家の中を案内してくれました。部屋はかなり広くとても綺麗でした。その後はTakapuna Beach というところに行き、フィッシュアンドチップスを食べたりビーチで少し遊んだりしました。ビーチ周辺には小さな公園やショッピングエリアがありかなり綺麗でした。ゴミ箱がビーチ周辺にかなり多く、数メートルおきに1つありました。平日の15時、16時台でも多くの人が公園にいました。話を聞いたところ、10代、20代の学生などがよく来るそうです。その日は到着して初日だったので疲れていてすぐ寝てしまいました。





I arrived in NZ and met the Homestay family. I flew on a plane which had turbulence. So, it was shaking many times and I couldn't sleep well. But it was okay after I got off the plane then, I was so excited. My host name is Laura and wife Jonie, who have two children.Their son is 4 years old and daughter is 3 years old. My homestay family is so kind and helps me.

Firstly, I went to Takapuna beach and ate Fish and Chips. It's so delicious but too much for me. My homestay son and daughter created something on the beach but I didn't know what they made. I want to hang out with them but it may take just a few days to get along with them. So, I'll try to communicate with them.

Next day, I went to the supermarket and bought some fruits and breakfast. There were many things which I wanted to buy.

And I saw NZ's cockroach outside. It's a bright orange that looks like another insect. My host family said that they were found in nature.

So, they are not dirty. I don't like insects. But it is okay to look at them from a far.

H.S (New Zealand)