留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】タカプナグラマースクールより - K.T -

第5回は ニュージーランドのタカプナグラマースクールからです。


一番の難関はリスニングでした。留学して4ヶ月が経つ今でも分からない時があります。 ですが聞き返すことを恐れずに、相手に聞き返すことで、会話の続け方や、リスニング力も育ってきました。

やはり一番のことはシャイにならないことです。自分から発信して行かないとどんどん置いて行かれてしまいます。そして 失敗を恐れないことです。 会話で間違えたからといって本当に馬鹿にしてくるような人はいません!自信を持って話せば必ず伝わります!


1.What was your best experience?

I could improve my personality here. In japan, I couldn't even talk to people who were not familiar to me. Now I can talk to strangers on the street if I want to.

2. What did you find difficult or different? (What did you do to make things better?)

The most difficult thing is understanding what people say. It has already been 4 months but even now I sometimes cannot understand them. Now I have come to understand how I continue the conversations with people. Also, I'm sure my skills to understand what people say have improved because I have tried not to be afraid of making mistakes.

3. Any advice for students who would like to study abroad?

First, don't be shy, or you'll be left alone by everyone. They won't understand you if you don't talk to them. Also, you must not be afraid of making mistakes. There's nobody who laughs at you even if you make a mistake in speaking English!
Believe yourself and talk to them.

K.T (Takapuna Grammar School, New Zealand)

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