留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【カナダ】サンズ・セカンダリーより - N.N -

『Thanks Giving Day』にホストマザーの親族のお家に泊まり、ホストファミリーと車と船を使って行きました。家には、いろいろな人が訪問していました。みんなとても明るく、いい人ばかりでした。その家には、ピアノやドラム、ギターがあったので弾いて遊んだりしました。また、家から持ってきたカードなどでも遊びました。近くに海があったので、そこで焚き火をしたり、ソーセージやマシュマロを焼いたりしました。とても楽しく、貴重な体験をすることができたと思います。



About two months have passed since I came to Canada. My Canadian life has one month remaining. I am used to living in Canada now and my anxiety has disappeared from the time I arrive. The temperature has been getting colder and colder.
I am studying physical education, drama, mathematic, English, cooking, science, and guitar at school. There are many things that are difficult, but if I don't understand there is help to think it through. Little by little I have met new friends and I am having fun talking and using English. I am very pleased to speak in English in class, especially when we are paired with classmates.
Over the Thanksgiving weekend I stayed at my host mother's sister's house. We drove as well as took the BC Ferry to Sechelt, BC. Various people visited the house. Everyone was very bright and nice. There was piano, drums, and guitar in the house, so I played it. I also played cards and Uno. The ocean was nearby where we had a bonfire to roast hotdogs and marshmallows. It was a very fun and valuable experience.

N.N (Sands Secondary, Canada)