留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】エイボンサイドガールズハイスクールより - N.T -



留学して最初に驚いたのが、学校にMorning Teaという制度があることです。Morning Teaとは2時間目と3時間目の間にある休息時間のことで、そこでは家から持ってきたスナックやフルーツを食べたりします。リンゴをそのまま食べている姿を見て本当に海外に来たのだなと実感しました。また、友達にも会えるのでとてもリラックスできるいい時間です。




It has been less than two weeks since I arrived in New Zealand, but I can understand much more English than when I lived in Japan. At first, I couldn't catch much because the English accent is strong, so I couldn't understand what everyone was talking about.
I had a great time with my host family! My host mother is very kind. My concern is I have a lot of time to spend alone at my homestay, so my goal is to think about how to make the most of my free time.
On the first day of school, we went on a trip with just the international students. We saw a natural landscape and beautiful town. Afterward, we enjoyed activities like juggling and trapeze. I was very worried about making friends, but everyone was were very friendly and I was relieved,

I was surprised that there is a morning tea system. Morning tea is the break between the second and third periods.During this time, we eat snacks and fruit. When I saw that people were eating apples as they were, I realized that I had come overseas! Also we can meet friends, so it is a good time to relax. I enjoy going to festivals and shopping with my friends on the weekend.

I have a lot of anxiety about my school life. For example, different teachers have different accents, students are scary, I didn't know where my classrooms were, it is complicated to ride a bus, and I can't understand much English over the telephone. I am especially afraid of students, and I often give up talking with them. My teacher said to me, "Don't be shy." I know!! So this is one of my goals. I will continue to do my best.

Thank you.

N.T (Avonside Girls' High School, New Zealand)