留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】エイボンサイドガールズハイスクールより - N.F -




I have been living in New Zealand for 2 weeks. New Zealand is summer, but it is cooler and easier to spend than Japan. My host family is very kind and cozy. The food is also delicious. There was a school event called Pou the other day. Everyone was fashionable using each color. I was red, so I went shopping to the mall with my friends and I got clothes that I needed. We sang songs and did activities at the school event. I was able to taste the atmosphere of overseas schools.
I also went to the sea. There were a lot of kites flying, the weather was nice and the sea was beautiful. Next time, I want to wear a swimsuit and play as much as I can.
I think I have been able to look back on two weeks and learn a lot of new things. I'm especially grateful to my host family. When I'm at home, I feel calm, I don't feel bad, and above all, it's really kind and cozy.
There are things that I think would be good for my host family. If I could speak more English, I could convey various things. I want to make Japanese food for my host family so that I can express my gratitude even a little.

N.F (Avonside Girls' High School, New Zealand)