新着情報 - グローバル


オーストラリアのブリスベンに位置するSt. Aidan's Anglican girls' school(留学パートナーシップ提携校)にて開催されているSummer School Music Program(1月7日(月)~18日(金))へ本校生徒5名が参加をしています。このサマースクールは欧米を中心に広がるコダーイメソッドに基づいて、音楽に興味を持つ子供達や演奏家または音楽教育者を目指す者たちが各々の学びを深めるプログラムとなっています。ハンガリー、イギリス、アメリカ、マレーシアなど、各国から教授と参加者が集まり、質の高い音楽教育が2週間にわたって展開されます。

Five of our students are participating in Australia's "Summer School Music Program" from 5th January thru to 18th January, which is being held at St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School in Brisbane, Australia, our study-abroad program partnership school.
This Summer School is based on the Kodaly approach, which was established by Zoltan Kodaly who was a composer in Hungary. There are a variety of programs for children, students, musicians and music teachers who are eager to attain further music literacy and understanding of music. This summer school has been organized by Dr. James Cuskelly, the Head of Faculty: Creative Arts and Design Studies at St Aidan's Anglican Girl's School and the president of the International Kodaly Society.
Our students are staying in homestay families during these two weeks, aiming to enhance not only their aspiration of music but also their English ability and understanding of different cultures through the experience of this school trip.

  • サマースクールミュージックプログラムへの参加
  • サマースクールミュージックプログラムへの参加
  • サマースクールミュージックプログラムへの参加
  • サマースクールミュージックプログラムへの参加

St Aidan's Anglican Girls' Schoolで教鞭を取るカスケリー氏による日本初開催のセミナーの様子はこちら
