留学レポート - 海外→日本留学

【カナダ】ウェストバンク―バー・セカンダリーより - Axel -

My name is Axel. I am originally from Mexico but I live in Canada. I came to Tokyo in September and I am having so much fun. Every day I get to learn new words, meet new people and learn from the culture. Every day is a fun experience. I would like to spend more time here to learn the language and meet people. My life has definitely changed in a good way since I came to Japan. I feel this experience has helped me to grow as a person and has given me the opportunity to realize what I want to do with my life. It has given me new goals I want to achieve in my future and adult life. I think the thing I like the most about Japan is the people. I get the chance to socialize more with girls than boys in my trip but still the boys are as friendly and kind as the girls. Even though I came to Japan I have met many international people who have really interesting personalities and had a great time with them too. I have no doubt this experience is one of my greatest and I think all the people that made it possible as well as the country itself for treating me so nicely.

私の名前はAxel です。メキシコ人です。でも、今はカナダに住んでいます。9月に東京に来ました。日本にきてから、すごく楽しいです。毎日新しい単語や文化を先生やまわりの人たちから教えてもらいます。毎日楽しい経験があります。目白研心にもっと長くいて、もっといろいろな人たちにあって、日本語を学びたいです。

アクセル(カナダ ウェストバンク―バー・セカンダリー)

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