留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【カナダ】センチネルセカンダリースクールより - H.U -




I have been throughout a lot of thing for the past eight months. Recently I have become better at understanding what teachers and friends say. However, I am still unable to express what I want to say in English well since I often get upset when I don't come up with the words in English or cannot speak fluently.
Unlike in Japan, here in Vancouver I eat sandwiches with the same taste for lunch everyday instead of 'bento'-lunch box. I have been tired of this honestly. I miss my mother's cooking very much.
However, there is just one good thing in Vancouver. It is the beautiful nature. I saw deer from my home. I always feel nature.
Anyway, there is only two months left, I will do my best to enjoy and create lasting memories.

H.U (Sentinel Secondary School, Canada)