留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【アメリカ】グラフトンハイスクールより - Y.T -




During the summer vacation, I spent most of my time at home feeling jet lagged and isolating myself, so I had little chance to practice English. At my health check-up, I hadn't received enough vaccines, so I got 4 vaccine shots that day. When I went out, I was often taken fishing, and I was able to see a mystical sea in the early morning. My father caught eels and I caught crabs, which I couldn't do in Japan.
When I went to school for the first time, I was scared, and just stood there. I realized that I was in America for the first time. When school started, I could hardly understand anything, so every day was very stressful. My parents help me with my studies, so now I am able to manage everything. Because of my experiences, I respect those who study abroad and do a homestay. I think there are many Asians in this school. Among them, I made 5 friends, one of whom became homecoming queen.
My anxiety about grades and the difficulty of class makes me often miss Japan, but I am enjoying myself more than I expected.