留学レポート - 日本→海外留学

【ニュージーランド】シャーリーボーイズハイスクールより - G.O -



It's been about a month since I came to New Zealand. Every day here is filled with new experiences, and although there are many cultural differences compared to Japan, I've managed to adapt to life here with the help of local friends who have taught me a lot. In my second week, I got a concussion while playing soccer, which led to my first experience with an ambulance and hospitalization in New Zealand, which was quite surprising. At school, I study business, math, English, tourism, physical education, and geography. Although I still struggle with long sentences, I can understand most everyday conversations now. My host family is very outdoorsy and takes me to various places, which I enjoy a lot. I'm looking forward to visiting even more places in the remaining six weeks. With only six weeks left, I want to continue improving my English skills and become better at understanding longer sentences.

G.O (Shirley Boys' High School, New Zealand)